Welcome to the Hillsdale High School Alumni Association’s web site! Here you can get involved with and support both the Hillsdale Alumni Community and Hillsdale High School. Learn more >

Click here to register for this year’s 28th annual Hillsdale AlumKnight Bruncheon.

For 27 years we have been gathering at the San Mateo Elks’ Club on the first Saturday in December, first as Olde Knights (The Olde Knights’ Luncheon), next as Olde and Mid-Knights (The Hillsdale HS Alumni Luncheon), and in the time of COVID, after being freed by Zoom from the physical limitations of the Elks’ Club, we invited the Young Knights
to join us. Now that we’ve returned to the Elks’ Club, we are honoring that precedent and again inviting ALL ALUMKNIGHTS to our traditional yearly event, now renamed as The AlumKnight Bruncheon. This will encourage an earlier reconnection with all who share the common bond of our high school years at Hillsdale. Go Knights!

To qualify for the bruncheon, you must have graduated from Hillsdale High School.
Teachers and staff members are also included. Spouses or significant others are not included unless they too attended HHS. This is not a typical high school reunion. You will be able to visit with friends on either side of your class, meet new friends, and chat with some of your former teachers.

To ensure yourself a place at the bruncheon Register Now. Due to a change of room availability at the Elk’s we are limited to 200 guests. Arrive at 10. Stay until 2. Email us with any dietary requirements.

While you are registering, please consider also making a donation to the Keith and Cecile Gordon Memorial Fund. Generous donations from Hillsdale Alumni have made it possible for the HHS Alumni Association to fund annual $2,000 scholarships to honor Keith and Cecile, Homer Zugelder, and Rich Mazzoncini in addition to projects identified by
Hillsdale to support current Hillsdale Knights. Our goal for this year is to raise $15,000.
Click to Donate and to learn more about the K&CGMF,

2024 Alumni Scholarship Recipients

For pictures and videos of past AlumKnight Luncheons/Bruncheons (AKA the OKL), click on these links:

To guarantee receipt of future emails, join the Hillsdale HS Alumni Association.  Registration is free and only a click away.  Join Now!

Our invitations, information, and registration are now being done electronically.  However, if necessary you are also able to register and/or donate by mail. A print copy of the registration form is available here.

If you have questions, please email us at alumni@hillsdalehsfoundation.org

Thank you for your generosity and we look forward to seeing you for the Bruncheon on December 7th!

 2023 Bruncheon

Click to see more photos of the event

2024 HOF Event

Click to see more photos of the event

Hillsdale HS Hall of Fame – 2024


After a several-year COVID absence, a 2024 Hillsdale HOF event is being planned.  Complete this 2025 HOF Nomination Form to nominate a candidate for HHS HOF induction in 2025.  Forms are due by January 15, 2025.

For brief bios of our 2019 inductees, click this link:


For pictures of our 2019 inductees, click this link:


 Learn more >

A Knight’s Tale 2016-2017



You can read and download a copy of this year’s A Knight’s Tale”,

the story of today’s Hillsdale High School and its students. 

Click here!

Hillsdale Receives National “Schools of Opportunity” Gold Recognition


Hillsdale High School, known for its Small Learning Community model, is one of only 20 schools from across the country to receive recognition as a “School of Opportunity”!  This coveted national designation honors excellent public high schools that engage in practices that build on students’ strengths and create supported learning opportunities for all students.  Read the complete press release.

New: Alumni Photos

We’re now on flickr!  For photos from past Olde Knights’/AlumniflickrLuncheons, along with all past HHS Hall of Fame events, click on this flickr link  or the Photo Galleries link at the bottom right of this page.

You can also  add  your own photos by sending them to hhsalumniphotos@hillsdalehsfoundation.org.

Calling all Hillsdale Knights!

Join the Hillsdale High School Alumni Association

Spread the word! The HHS Alumni Association is newly re-launched and is putting out the call for members. We’re not one of those third-party companies who charge a fee to join — we’re run BY Hillsdale alums FOR Hillsdale alums, and membership is FREE.  Join those who are already MEMBERS (click this link for current membership list).  Stay in-the-know about events, news, and what  Learn more >

Hillsdale High School

See what’s going on at our alma mater

Visit HHS site >

Keeping Hillsdale Great

See how the HHS Foundation is making a difference for today’s students

Learn more >

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Photo Galleries

Browse photos by graduation year and contribute photos of your own!

Visit our Flickr page >

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